inside the man

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Terrorism, police, and the NYC subway

There has been an interesting debate over the past couple of days between the authors of the Concurring Opinions blog regarding the wisdom of police conducting random searches on the NYC subway system. The debate centres on whether such searches:
  • Will catch terrorists before they complete their attacks,
  • Will frighten terrorists away from the subway system by the show of power, or
  • Will not impact terrorism but make New Yorkers feel better.
Interesting reading.

Here is an interesting factoid (is this actually true?) from the discussion,

"Measured by its post-9/11 budget and personnel, the NYPD outranks all but nineteen of the world's standing armies."


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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Returned to working as a Management Consultant, specializing in risk, security, and regulatory compliance, with Fujitsu Canada after running the IT shop in the largest library in the South Pacific.

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